These values, which we can also call politeness levels, specify what a screen reader should do when the element value is updated. 我们也可以将这些值称作礼貌级别,它们指定了当元素值更新时屏幕阅读器的响应操作。
Screen readers also can't identify the purpose of a page element. 此外,屏幕阅读器也不能识别页面元素的作用。
The instance of the major UI element representing "UI32 Seminar Selection Screen" is an anonymous object with the name": SeminarSelector "and the stereotype. 表示“UI32SeminarSelectionScreen”(“UI32研习班选择屏幕”)的主要UI元素的实例是名称为“:SeminarSelector”、原型为的匿名对象。
Any clone selected by the screen contains the transposable element, with the mutated gene adjacent to it. 任何通过筛选而选择出的克隆均含有一个转座子和紧靠着它的一个突变基因。
Inside a small screen they are cumbersome and out of their element. 用手机小小的屏幕查找地图不但麻烦而且不自在。
The so1id models of vibrating screen have been built by using3D software and predigested by using finite element method. 利用三维建模软件对振动筛进行实体建模,并利用有限元方法,对模型结构进行合理简化。
If enabled, bottom of the Element will always face the center of the screen, making the Element spin as the Lens Flare moves around on the screen. 如果启用,元素底部将始终面对着屏幕的中心,使元素旋转同时镜头光晕在屏幕上移动。
Is a point on screen inside the element. 屏幕上的点是否在元素里面?
Screen Simulation Using a Particle Discrete Element Method 用颗粒离散元法模拟筛分过程
CONCLUSION: Using the yeast one hybrid system to screen the cDNA library for the NF_kappa B core element is a preliminary work that needs confirmation by further study. 结论:应用酵母单杂交手段筛选出食管癌细胞NF-kappab核心元件结合蛋白,但只是一种初步的实验,还需进一步研究证实。
On grounds of theory and construction foundation of spatial data framework, watershed spatial frame basic data was confirmed. Watershed spatial basic framework was erected, DOQ being taken as foundation data, utilizing screen digitalization technique to distill main vector lineal element. 根据空间数据基础框架的理论及建立的依据,确定流域空间框架基础数据,以DOQ为本底数据利用屏幕数字化技术交互式提取主要矢量线型要素,建立流域空间数据基础框架;
Edge effect of the picture element of LCD screen and theoretical upper value of picture element's density 液晶显示屏象素的边缘效应及象素密度的理论上限
The paper analysis strength of the vibrating screen, put forward improving method for its structure, with the dynamic finite element method and dynamic measure. 本文用动态有限元理论计算及在线测试分析方法,对振动筛的强度作了分析,提出了筛体结构的改进方法。
Objective To screen the differential points related with response to interferon-α in HBV post-transcriptional regulatory element ( HPRE). 目的筛选乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染者转录后调节序列中与干扰素α治疗应答有关的差异位点。
We have made a elementary study for intensifying screen, and qualitatively seen the applied foreground of rare earth element in this field. 对增感屏进行了最初步的研究,定性的了解了稀土元素在这方面应用的前景。
The benefit of this research is that it provides a better way for designing and improving the original vibration screen structure. At the same time, it is also valuable to apply it into the finite element and optimum method in other similar problems. 该研究成果对设计振动筛和改进原有振动筛结构提供了一个较好的方法,对有限元和优化方法在其它类似问题中的应用也具有参考价值。
This thesis studied the display screen outer cover of Notebook computer, used the 3D engineering design software PRO/ ENGINEER to set up the structural design and geometric model of display screen, then enter Pro/ Mechanica mode, set up finite element model. 本文以笔记型电脑显示屏外壳为研究对象,采用三维工程设计软件PRO/ENGINEER对显示屏模块进行了结构设计和几何模型的建立,然后进入Pro/Mechanica模式,建立有限元模型。
For ACF felt screen composites, combination element provided a design idea for increasing the effective absorption in low frequency. 因此,组合单元型为碳毡电路屏复合材料在低频区域的有效吸收提供一定的设计思路。